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Coronavirus check in

Wow! It’s been awhile since I have posted and checked in with all of you and NOW the world is a totally different place. While there is so much uncertainty and possible fear and anxiety around us or maybe inside of you, I am doing my best to stay calm and grounded. I am the type of person who always sees the silver lining in a situation and now more than ever, this trait of mine is crucial for myself, my family and my PeaksandPoses community. I am fortunate that I don’t have financial concerns or worries and am currently employed. My job working as a Speech/language Therapist although is starting to look very different than 2 weeks ago. We are all learning to adapt to change and be flexible in a new lifestyle, one that we did not individually create. So much change can be overwhelming. I am centering myself by viewing my CoronaVirus life as an opportunity to learn and grow and ultimately, live my life differently. My keyed in daily habits from Ayurveda have provided a strong foundation for my physical, emotional and mental body to flourish during this period of uncertainty. Through these 10 habits, I have built resilience like in no other time of my life. My seasonal eating, established morning and night time routines and daily meditation are the most important habits that are keeping me strong and calm during a time when others are afraid and living in fear. I bow in gratitude that I was introduced to Ayurveda 7 years ago. Would you like to have a life of greater balance or days of ease and calm? Would you like to thrive in your physical and emotional body? Are you ready to bring on more vitality and radiance to your everyday living? I am happy and eager to show you the way. Be in touch so we can talk. Be calm and healthy. Remember to get outside each day. Namaste!

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