What frustrates you and how can you find ease? On Friday night after I finally decided that I was going to buy Season 6 of Schitt’s Creek, I sat down to watch what I thought would be two episodes. After thoroughly enjoying the first one, I decided that although it was getting late for TV watching, I proceeded to the next one. In the middle of the episode, my wifi dropped out. This was the first time this has happened in my home of one year..I was extremely frustrated. (I am also not a big TV watcher and I had set time aside this evening to watch). This series is compelling and you definitely want to keep watching. I kept asking myself, “How is this possible?” “Why is this happening now?” even though I knew that it was most likely related to the wind/rain storm that was currently happening. Over the course of the next 20 minutes, I tried several times to reboot and/or restart my computer, but to no avail it never came back on. I went to bed extremely frustrated and disappointed as I at least wanted to finish that episode (no spoiler!!) but what could I do? I eventually fell asleep and when I awoke, discovered that Wifi was restored and my internet was working again! I was elated (not enough to continue the episode though) as that morning, I was asked to lead a discussion on Plant Based Living with another health coach’s group of peeps! All was good until 20 minutes into the call and the Wifi dropped AGAIN!! As you can imagine at this point in time, my frustration grew quickly and I was extremely disappointed. I felt like I had really let down a group of people. I tried several times to reboot and reconnect to the call on my computer and Zoom APP but nothing seemed to work. I began to think about the recent inspiration of my mentor who purposefully disconnected herself from all electronics for about 4 hours last weekend. I kept thinking about this purposeful experiment she had created. I remember my mentor's discovery was absolutely beautiful. She felt more open space in her thoughts and her breath. She also found herself being more creative and engaged in some activities that she may not have necessarily done. She shared that there wasn’t a constant draw for her to check her phone or computer or other electronics during the day. So once I knew that I wasn’t going to connect to this call I had to give into this moment and find EASE. Internet access is totally out of my control. So I started to figure out how I could find some ease throughout the rest of the day as I realized the work that was on my to do list wasn’t going to happen. It was this forced block of time that propelled me to finding EASE as I stopped to think about how much time I spend on my phone and a lot of it is not very productive. How do you find ease in situations?? Any

way, I started to read a book that’s been on my list and I sat and meditated. I also decided that I was going to go for a run, plant some flowers, do some cooking and go for a boat ride. All of a sudden, so much space opened up for me! My reflection is this-there are so many things that are out of our control in our life and this may leave us frustrated. I remember someone telling me and I repeat it often, the only thing you can control are your responses and reactions to people and situations. You can’t really change something or somebody. My response was EASE and I was pleased that I could find it quickly to enjoy my day. I hope that you will too!